ProVet Állatorvosi Szakrendelő

Budapest II., Csévi utca 1., a Pasaréti térnél - telefon: 06-1-394-1006, 06-70-945-1040

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Specialist's consultations

Emergency surgery: all kinds of emergency treatment. Bone fractures, thoracic injuries, spinal cord and brain injuries, joint injuries, intensive care. Give us a call while arriving to prepare for the fastest treatment of your pet.
Head of this unit: Dr. Zsolt Sebestyén

Orthopaedics: diagnostic and treatment of all orthopaedic conditions: luxations, growth anomalies, hip and elbow dysplasia, joint deformities.
Head of this unit: Dr. Zsolt Sebestyén

Ophthalmology: special diagnostic procedures and operations on the field of ocular diseases. Screening for Progressive Retinal Atrophy. Cataract surgery.
Head of this unit: Dr. Zsuzsa Szûcs

Neurology: diagnosis and medical and operative treatment of motion disturbancies related to brain, spinal cord or peripheral nerve injuries. Diagnosis and treatment of urinary incontinence. Treatment of seizures/epilepsy.
Head of this unit: Dr. Zsolt Sebestyén

Plastic surgery: ear and tail corrections, skin grafting for non healing wounds.
Head of this unit: Dr. Zsolt Sebestyén

Please, ask for an appointment to all specialist's consultations except in case of emergency!


ProVet Veterinary Clinic

Budapest II., Csévi u. 1.

Opening hours:

workdays: 9-19
saturday: 9-12
sunday: 18-20

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